This is a six-part series. The first video was published in November 2020.
Parts two, three and four were released in 2021.
So it is understandable that some viewers have asked: "When will parts 5 & 6 of be published?"
(Part 5 will include the capitals of the 5 "Autonomous Regions", and Part 6 will cover the capital of Taiwan and several historically important capitals from the imperial period of Chinese history.)
I apologize for the delays!
I had originally anticipated that the two remaining videos would be published in the summer of 2022, but unfortunately that did not happen.
A period of international travel followed by a severe injury caused delays. As soon as I am sufficiently recovered, I will focus on the remaining "capitals" videos.
Again, I apologize.
The Pere-X website has been redesigned.
Xuanzang and the Great Wild Goose Pagoda (Xi'an)
It's now multilingual!
Try it out!
Browse the site in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese!
Watch videos in English, Spanish, French, and Italian!
(The English language videos also have English subtitles.)
The site interface lets you select a video, then choose to watch it on, the servers (available world-wide), or on YouTube!
You can also access Pere-X using the web-browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) on your Smartphone*.
No special app needed!
*Some Smartphone browsers do not support video subtitles.
Since YouTube/Google's announcement that they would begin adding advertisements to all videos hosted by YouTube, I have been working to get Pere-X videos deployed on an alternate site that is advertisement-free.
All the videos are now on Vimeo except the Learning Provinces "trailer", which I am in the process of updating.
I am also working to add subtitles to the English language videos. That process will probably take another week.
I think you will be pleased by the Vimeo experience! Try it out!
The easiest way to find the videos is from the homepage. Use the menu-bar at the top.
But, to make it even easier, just click HERE to find all the Learning Chinese Provinces videos (including those in Spanish, French, and Italian!). The first video of the "Provincial Capitals" series is also there!
Or, click HERE to go to the first of the "Footsteps" videos, which will highlight sites and scenery.
Have a great day!
It is a pleasure to announce that a French version of Chinese Provincial Capitals- Part One has been published!
If you want to take a look, click HERE or on the image below
The French language version follows up on the English language version previously published.
If you love to watch advertisements that interrupt Internet content, then read no further. You will be happy with YouTube/Google's new move to proliferate commercial interruptions. Otherwise, read on.
The day before yesterday, I received an email message from YouTube (a division of Google) about changes to their "terms of service".
Included was a notification that they are asserting a new policy to display advertising on ALL videos.
Previously there were two options, based on the decision of the content creator (channel owner).
- The creator could join the "YouTube Partner Program". In this case their videos could be "monetized": YouTube/Google would display advertisements in conjunction with the videos. Google would be paid by the advertisers and then share a portion of that income with the creator.
- The creator could choose to never join the program and therefore provide their videos to the public without advertising.
Now, the creator CANNOT select the second option. YouTube/Google, trying to create additional revenue for themselves, will, without consent of video creators place ads on the videos and NOT share any of their income with the owner of the video!
YouTube/Google has always limited the people who are eligible to join the "Partner Program". They only want to share with those creators how have a large number of subscribers and monthly "views".
I create videos on my own initiative, with no payment whatsoever from anybody. I am happy with that choice. And I want viewers to be able to watch what I hope is entertaining or educational material without it becoming commercialized. I own the videos. They were NOT created by YouTube/Google. All they do is host the platform from which they can be viewed. Google has created a business from providing "free" services, sometimes with paid enhancements available. They make their money by skimming huge amounts of data from the interactions of users with Google products. They then turn those users into "product" that they can leverage across a wide swath of Internet activity by charging companies to access those those users.
Personally, I loathe advertisements interrupting videos. With few exceptions, when an ad appears in a video, I turn that video off. I understand and respect the idea that some creators want to turn their channels into money-making ventures where they can earn funds from allowing ads. But that is not my purpose!
To protect viewers (and potential new viewers) of my modest efforts at video creation I am moving forward with alternative mechanisms to distribute the content.
This includes hosting videos on a private site that I own, as well as distributing the videos through "Vimeo" which is a well-known video platform that has a reputation for higher quality video processing, and DOES NOT PLACE ADS on the videos. I will keep you informed as these changes occur. I will continue to *also* post to YouTube, but will provide information about ad-free options for viewing.
Have a good day.